If you are sensitive to flashing lights please leave and if you are not comfortable with dark topics.

I strongly advice not visiting the site. Even if it seems like there is nothing of the sort, This site is my gateway to venting.

If you do reload the page on any other widget of the page you will be redirected to this warning page. I am sorry but this is just a given. I don't want anyone going to this site without any being aware.

This site may have misleading messages and tabs. Such as the house. They will have a redirect button to bring you back to the main page.

Any problems you do come across please do contact me.

This will be your only warning!


Please be aware that updates are being worked on in real time. If you manage to click on something and ended up at a dead link. That's because it's a feature that's currently being worked on. So give it time and the problem will be resolved.

To combat this situation, There will be a sub-text at the bottom of things being worked on.Things that are being worked on or are being implimented. The 404 page will also now feature a back button to send you back to the main page. That's all and thank you for your patience.

This website was made on computer. If you do use another devices such as phone or tablet. You may have some visual issues and something may not play as portrayed. For the best experiences please use a computer.